What is Presbyopia?
Presbyopia is an age-related disorder that makes it more difficult to see nearby objects. It usually appears around the age of 40. The reason is that the eye loses elasticity, making it difficult to focus at close distances (reading).
What do you need to know about Presbyond Laser surgery?
Presbyond is a laser device module that uses the Excimer laser to shape the cornea. The eyes are operated on differentially to see well at different distances, one at near (the dominant eye), the other at distance and intermediate (the non-dominant eye), and by overlapping, the patient will see well at all distances.
It is different from traditional monovision or micro-monovision because the sophisticated laser wavefront profile extends the depth of focus for each eye. This improves your vision whether you’re reading a book or driving a car, reducing or eliminating the need for glasses.
It is important to note that PRESBYOND addresses the symptoms of presbyopia (i.e. problems seeing near objects) and not the cause (i.e. the natural ageing process of the lens in the eye). Therefore, you can slow down the effects of eye ageing, but you cannot stop them completely.
PRESBYOND Laser provides a safe and effective intermediate step for patients with presbyopia. Furthermore, study data suggest that visual acuity (chance of seeing 20/20 at distance) after PRESBYOND (99%) is better than after lens replacement (90.9%).
How do you know you need Presbyond Laser treatment?
Presbyond laser treatment is suitable for a large number of people suffering from presbyopia. Although it is mainly used to compensate for reading glasses, it can be combined with the correction of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. All patients over the age of 40 could consider combating laser vision correction with Presbyond laser surgery.
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have presbyopia:
- the need to hold the phone further away to see it clearly
- difficulty reading small print, such as on the phone, in newspapers or magazines
- difficulty in maintaining clear focus when reading
- tired and strained eyes when reading for long periods
In some patients, presbyopia becomes so advanced that it also affects distance vision and they find that, for the first time in their lives, they have to wear glasses to correct their distance vision, for example when driving a car.
What does PRESBYOND Laser treatment involve?
The procedure is painless, although you may sometimes notice a feeling of pressure on your eyes. It usually takes 5-10 minutes for each eye and about 30 minutes for the whole procedure.
Anesthetic eye drops are used before the procedure for local anesthesia of the eyes. After you sit on the operating table, you will have an “eyelid speculum” fitted to keep your eyes open and prevent you from blinking. A vacuum ring is placed over the eye while the femtosecond laser creates the flap. You will notice during this time that your vision is dimmer and darker. The surgeon will then lift the flap and the exposed cornea will be treated with the customized Excimer laser, correcting the diopter of the eye. The flap is then repositioned and the same procedure repeated on the other eye.
Presbyond laser treatment is recommended for people over the age of 40 who suffer from presbyopia, for whom conventional laser surgery is no longer recommended. Presbyopia can also be eliminated with lens replacement surgery.
What to expect after Presbyond Laser treatment?
After the procedure, your surgeon will check your eyes before you can go home. Most patients will see clearly immediately, or by the next day at the latest. During the initial recovery period, there may be a gritty feeling in the eye and you may experience sensitivity to light, this usually lasts 24-48 hours. However, care will be needed for a longer period of time, including avoiding water in the eye for 1 week, avoiding swimming, heavy exercise or contact sports for one month.
Before you are discharged from the clinic, you are prescribed eye drops to keep your eyes moist as well as to prevent infection and inflammation. You will continue to administer them at home over the next few weeks. You will return to the clinic within the first 24 hours after the procedure to check your progress. You’ll have another check-up at 1-2 weeks and 3 months.
Because PRESBYOND® Laser works a little differently from other laser treatments, the recovery process is also a little different. The exact recovery time after PRESBYOND® Laser varies from person to person. It all depends on how quickly the brain adjusts to the new way of seeing. PRESBYOND® Laser does not adjust the eye to two specific focal points, but rather creates a “common area” that is smoother and provides greater depth of vision. This is crucial, the more natural the field of vision, the faster the brain adapts to the way you see.
For this reason, most patients adjust to their new vision within a few weeks. This is especially true if you go through a comprehensive screening process and are deemed completely suitable for the procedure. Although it is rare, some patients may experience that their distance vision or near vision is not quite right. But this visual confusion is instantly reversed by a simple pair of temporary glasses. Using these “balancing glasses” won’t affect your recovery and you certainly don’t have to worry about wearing them for long.
This feeling gradually diminishes over time – on average, adaptation to PRESBYOND® Laser takes between 6 weeks and several months. It is faster for some patients and a little slower for others.
What are the specialist's recommendations after Presbyond Laser surgery?
Immediately after the surgery you will be given protective glasses or pads before being discharged. You will need to wear them when you sleep during the first few nights – they will prevent you from touching your eyes during the night.
Don’t rub your eyes – This is extremely important, especially during the first 7 days after laser eye surgery.
Administer eye drops as prescribed – As part of your post-operative recovery, you will be given a series of eye drops. It is essential that you administer the drops as recommended by your doctor. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and keep them away from your face. This is particularly important before applying the eye drops. Minimizing the risk of infection is essential after laser surgery.
Rest – When you first return home after laser eye surgery, resting your eyes is important. Sleep is the only time our bodies have a real opportunity to repair themselves and this is true for ophthalmological surgery as well.
Stay in clean environments – After laser surgery, avoid rooms with smoke, dusty environments or areas with chemical vapors, such as scientific laboratories, printing shops, dark rooms, etc.
Wear sunglasses – Your eyes will be sensitive to light after laser surgery. Avoid extreme levels of sunlight. When going outside, wear sunglasses. Even wearing sunglasses indoors helps.
Avoid sports – You will be advised not to do sports for 2-4 weeks after surgery. You will also be asked not to swim for at least two weeks.
No makeup – For a week after surgery, you will need to avoid wearing eye makeup.
Be patient – Your vision will fluctuate in the first few days and weeks after laser eye surgery and you may see halos around the lights.
Treat the recovery period after surgery seriously and follow the surgeon’s instructions. If you have any questions, always contact the clinic for advice.
What are the benefits of Presbyond surgery?
- Provides independence from glasses at all distances – near, intermediate, distance
- Innovative and minimally invasive surgical technique, safe and without side effects.
- Immediate results, the patient sees well immediately after the surgery and the vision improves over time.
Learn more about this surgery from Dr. Holhoș in the video below.
Presbyond Laser surgery prices
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