Ophthalmology with referral in the clinics Dr. Holhoș

Oftalmologie cu bilet de trimitere în clinicile Dr. Holhoș

In all 6 clinics in the ophthalmology network Dr. Holhoș, you benefit from ophthalmological consultation free of charge, with referral.

Find out more about the conditions that must be met and which doctors you can book an appointment with.

What are the steps for an ophthalmological consultation free of charge?

1. Getting a referral

The free ophthalmological consultation takes place only on the basis of a referral from the family doctor or from a specialist doctor who has a contract with the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAS).

Another extremely important aspect is that the referral must be valid. In the clinics Dr. Holhoș, the referral is valid for 30 days from the date of issue by the family doctor or specialist doctor.

If this period is exceeded, we cannot examine you free of charge, and you will need a new referral.

2. Appointment

The next step is to book an appointment. You can do it online, by filling in the form on the website, or calling directly to the clinic you want to go to. And you can book an appointment with a referral in any clinic Dr. Holhoș, regardless of your domicile.

It is also mandatory to mention that you have a referral. The reason for this is that the appointments are paid up to the cap amount offered by the National Health Insurance Fund. So, there is a limited number of places per month, which unfortunately means that you run the risk of not finding a place available in the current week or month.

Which doctors can you book an appointment with?

You benefit from free ophthalmological consultations with referral, if you book an appointment with one of the following specialists:

  • Dr. Țicle Alexandra – the clinic in Cluj-Napoca – 0377702882 
  • Dr. Creț Claudia – the clinic in Alba Iulia – 0358104654
  • Dr. Czika Alexandra – the clinic in Mediaș – 0369422543
  • Dr. Loredana Schiau-Popa – the clinic in Turda – 0364 730 109 
  • Dr. Vonica Flavia – the clinic in Sibiu – 0377 702 881
  • Dr. Rusu-Badiu Ancuța – the clinic in Târgu Mureș – 0365 401 747 
  • Dr. Grigore Cristina – the clinic in Târgu Mureș – 0365 401 747

Which documents should you bring?

Regardless of the type of consultation – covered for or not – you need:

  • ID card or passport, if you are over 18 
  • ID card, if you are between 14 and 18
  • Birth certificate if you are under 14

Identity document is necessary, because the patient’s medical chart is a forensic medical document. The information is needed to create a new medical chart (if you are a new patient), or to check the data on your existing medical chart (if you have been with us before).

In addition to your identity document, you also need a referral from your family doctor or a specialist doctor, if the appointment is booked through the National Health Insurance Fund.

You must also have your health card with you – valid and with a PIN that you know.

If you don’t have a health card yet, you need to show proof that you are medically insured. This proof can be in the form of an employee certificate, pension coupon, unemployment coupon, social welfare coupon, direct payment certificate or student certificate. In the case of co-insured persons, you will need a standard certificate issued by the National Health Insurance Fund.

What services are covered for?

In the ophthalmology network Dr. Holhoș, only the ophthalmological consultation is covered for by the National Health Insurance Fund. This normally costs 200 RON.

During the consultation, the specialist will learn more about your medical history and your symptoms, as presented in the referral. Then, the ophthalmological consultation takes place, which may include several techniques and instruments, including:

  • Measuring visual acuity.
  • Assessing eye coordination.
  • Examining internal and external ocular structures.
  • Testing eye pressure.

Depending on the results, the ophthalmologist will establish a diagnosis or carry out further investigations to detect the cause of the problem. During the consultation, a specific treatment may also be prescribed or advice may be given to prevent possible eye disorders.

Regular ophthalmological consultations are essential for the early detection of vision problems and for keeping your eyes healthy.

Do you still have questions regarding the services covered for by the National Health Insurance Fund in the ophthalmology network Dr. Holhoș? Contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible!


You can make an appointment quickly via the form on the right, or directly over the phone. Our colleagues at the reception desk will be happy to provide you with the availability and information you need to make an appointment. Filling in the form does not represent the registration or confirmation of an appointment, but submitting an appointment request. You will be contacted by our team to check the availability of doctors and make an appointment.


Important note regarding patient consultations and surgery appointments

A patient who cancels a consultation or surgery appointment once, at least one day prior to the scheduled appointment, has the right to a second appointment under the same conditions.
If the patient cancels the second consultation and/or surgery appointment, a new appointment can be made only if the patient accepts to pay for both the consultation and the surgery in advance. This can be done either by payment order or in cash at the clinic reception.
A patient who does not show up for their consultation or surgery, who does not cancel the appointment in due time, or does not answer the clinic’s calls, may request a second appointment only if they pay for the consultation/surgery in advance. 
Patients requesting an appointment for retinal surgeries or laser Prk/Femtolasik/Smile Pro must pay 30% of the cost of the surgery in advance. The appointment will be scheduled only after receiving the advance payment. If the patient is unable to attend the scheduled consultation or surgery, and cancels the intervention at least 48 hours beforehand, they will be refunded in full. If the patient does not show up and does not cancel or contact the clinic at least 48 hours in advance, the advance paid is considered to be lost as damages and will no longer be refunded.