
Entropion is the ophthalmological disorder in which the eyelid of the eye turns inwards. It is different from ectropion, where the eyelid turns outwards. It most often occurs in older people and usually only affects the lower eyelid.

What is palpebral entropion?

Entropion, also known as “palpebral entropion”, is the eversion of the eyelid margin towards the ocular surface and cornea. In scientific terms, it is the pilosebaceous unit and the mucocutaneous junction that are reoriented towards the inside of the eye.

Entropion can occur:

  • On the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both;
  • In one or both eyes (in which case the patient experiences bilateral entropion);
  • In both adults and children, but it is more common in the elderly.

Untreated, entropion can lead to:

  • Corneal thinning;
  • Corneal neovascularization;
  • Corneal abrasion;
  • Corneal lesions;
  • Conjunctival lesions;
  • Eye scars.

Entropion vs Epiblepharon

Entropion can be confused with epiblepharon.

Entropion can affect both the upper and lower eyelids and has to do with muscles and ligaments inside the eye, eye infections and injuries, or previous treatments.

Epiblepharon affects only the lower eyelid. The lashes curl inwards towards the eye because of an extra fold of skin on the lower eyelid of the eye.

What causes palpebral entropion?

Entropion can occur either because the eyelid muscles are weakened or because the ligaments that attach the eyelid to the walls of the eye socket are weakened. Another cause of entropion may be a scar on the tegument or conjunctival lining of the eye, which causes traction on the eyelid and causes the edge of the eyelid to bend inwards.

Risk factors:

  • Old age;
  • Agenesia – the eyelid does not have enough tissue developed (a congenital problem);
  • Eye infections (e.g. granulomatous conjunctivitis);
  • Ophthalmological treatments (entropion can occur as a reaction of the body in people who use a certain ointment to treat glaucoma).

How many types of entropion are there?

Depending on the cause of the disease, there are four types of entropion:

  1. Involutional entropion is the most common form of the disorder and occurs mainly in people over 60. This type is caused by low muscle tone, especially in the retractor muscles of the lower eyelid, which causes the lashes to bend towards the eyeball.
  2. Spastic atrophy occurs when the eye muscle contracts continuously and bends the edge of the eyelid inwards. This type of entropion is triggered by various irritations, inflammation or injuries, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis or keratitis. Spastic entropion can also be caused by decreased posterior palpebral support, which results in the eyeball being placed deeply into the orbit.
  3. Cicatricial entropion can be caused by injury to the eye, eyelid burns, but also in case of adverse reactions to medicines or various disorders such as trachoma, viral conjunctivitis or blepharitis. This type of entropion affects and is manifested by curvature of the tarsus.
  4. Congenital entropion is a rare form that occurs at birth.

What are the symptoms of entropion?

Patients experiencing palpebral entropion may have different symptoms, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. It starts with a sensation of irritation in the affected eye, itching and the sensation of a foreign object in the eye. Over time, entropion causes increasing discomfort and the following appear:

  • Aches and pains;
  • Excessive tearing;
  • Dry eyes;
  • Sensitivity to light;
  • Eye discharge and crusting (usually in the morning);
  • Decreased quality of vision;
  • The appearance of an extra layer of skin around the eye.

Severe cases of palpebral entropion can cause:

  • Scars on the surface of the cornea;
  • Corneal ulcer;
  • In very rare cases, loss of vision.

How is palpebral entropion diagnosed?

Diagnosis of palpebral entropion is made during an ophthalmological examination. The doctor assesses tissue laxity and determines the location, type and severity of the entropion by pulling the eyelid towards the nose and temple. The patient may also be asked to blink or forcefully close their eyes.

This helps the ophthalmologist find out where the eyelid position is on the eye and what its muscle tone is. If the entropion is caused by scars, previous surgery or other ophthalmological disorders, the doctor will carry out further investigations to examine the surrounding tissues.

What is the treatment for entropion?

There are a number of treatments that only relieve the symptoms of palpebral entropion for a short time. These include:

  • Ophthalmic drops for lubricating the eyeball;
  • Contact lenses;
  • Injectable treatment.

The definitive treatment is entropion surgery.

The surgery aims to reposition the eyelid and improve muscle tone in the affected eye. The procedure involves administering local anesthesia by injecting lidocaine into the eyelid tissues in combination with soothing and analgesic medication.

The technique used by the specialist differs from one type of disorder to another. Usually, entropion surgery consists of strengthening the structure of the eyelids by resecting whole pieces of eyelid or sections of skin and muscle. A procedure to strengthen the lateral ligaments (a canthoplasty) may also be performed. If there is a scar on the skin or conjunctiva, the surgeon will excise the scar and place a skin graft. This may be taken from behind the ear, from the upper eyelid, from the roof of the mouth or from the nasal passages.


Very rarely, complications can occur following entropion surgery. These include:

  • Hypertrophic scars;
  • Eye infections;
  • Hematoma;
  • Ectropion.

Postoperative recommendations

Entropion surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. After the surgery is completed, a dressing is applied and the patient can go home. The following day, the patient returns to the clinic for the dressing to be removed. The sutures are removed 5-7 days after surgery.

To prevent infection, the specialist doctor may prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. The patient may be given medication consisting of artificial tears, antibiotics, corticosteroids, botulinum toxin or a systemic chemotherapy. Cold compresses to the operated area may also be recommended. Aspirins are not indicated as they may increase the risk of bleeding.

If you notice symptoms of entropion in yourself or a loved one, make an appointment for a specialist examination. The Dr. Holhoș ophthalmology network awaits you with state-of-the-art services and equipment in Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Mediaș, Turda and Alba-Iulia clinics.

Text medically reviewed by Dr. Teodor Holhoș, Ophthalmic Surgeon
Written by Dr. Holhos Team

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Entropion is the ophthalmological disorder in which the eyelid of the eye turns inwards. It is different from ectropion, where the eyelid turns outwards. It most often occurs in older people and usually only affects the lower eyelid.

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Ectropion is the ophthalmic disorder in which the eyelid and eyelashes pull away from the cornea, and reorient outwards.

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Strabismus, also known as “crossed-eyes” or “crossed vision”, is an ophthalmological disorder in which the visual axis of the eyes is not aligned. This causes one eye to deviate when it needs to look at a fixed point.

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common ophthalmological disorders. It can occur in adults, children and babies.

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Macular degeneration involves deterioration of the macula and therefore of the quality of central vision. This disease does not affect peripheral vision and therefore cannot lead to complete blindness.

Hypermetropia affects the ability to see nearby objects. You may be able to see distant objects clearly, but closer objects, even words in a book, are usually out of focus. Hypermetropia occurs when the eye does not focus light properly on the retina (the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye).

Myopia is a disorder that falls into the category of refractive errors (along with astigmatism and hypermetropia). In common terms, myopia manifests itself as blurred distance vision, while near vision is not a problem.

Astigmatism, like myopia and hypermetropia, is a refractive error. In general terms, the disorder manifests itself in blurred, fuzzy vision, regardless of the distance to objects, surfaces.

Presbyopia is an age-related disorder characterized by decreased near vision. It usually appears around the age of 40.

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Cataract is a fairly common eye disorder that causes a progressive loss of vision due to loss of lens transparency.

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The retina is the light-sensitive layer deep inside the eyeball, lining the back of the eye. It is a piece of neural tissue that creates a focused two-dimensional image that is translated into a neural electrical impulse that translates the image to create visual perception.

Epiretinal membrane is a disorder of the interface area between the posterior vitreous and the central area of the retina, the macula.

The vitreous body is located in the center of the eyeball, between the lens and the retina, and appears as a “gel”. A healthy vitreous is completely transparent allowing light to reach the retina without any problems, thus obtaining a clear vision.

Glaucoma is a chronic, bilateral eye disease characterized by progressive destruction of the fibers of the optic nerve, the nerve responsible for transmitting information from the eye to the brain.

Keratoconus is a degenerative disease that manifests itself by progressive deformation and thinning of the cornea. It usually appears in adolescence, affects both men and women, and progresses into adulthood.

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Important note regarding patient consultations and surgery appointments

A patient who cancels a consultation or surgery appointment once, at least one day prior to the scheduled appointment, has the right to a second appointment under the same conditions.
If the patient cancels the second consultation and/or surgery appointment, a new appointment can be made only if the patient accepts to pay for both the consultation and the surgery in advance. This can be done either by payment order or in cash at the clinic reception.
A patient who does not show up for their consultation or surgery, who does not cancel the appointment in due time, or does not answer the clinic’s calls, may request a second appointment only if they pay for the consultation/surgery in advance. 
Patients requesting an appointment for retinal surgeries or laser Prk/Femtolasik/Smile Pro must pay 30% of the cost of the surgery in advance. The appointment will be scheduled only after receiving the advance payment. If the patient is unable to attend the scheduled consultation or surgery, and cancels the intervention at least 48 hours beforehand, they will be refunded in full. If the patient does not show up and does not cancel or contact the clinic at least 48 hours in advance, the advance paid is considered to be lost as damages and will no longer be refunded.